We are the Prison Radio Association – the charity that believes in the power of audio to change lives.
Our vision is a world where life-changing media offers solutions, reshapes perspectives and reduces crime. Our mission is to produce high-quality solutions-focused radio and podcasts that amplify the voices of people with prison experience.
In 2009 we founded the world’s first national radio station for people in prison – National Prison Radio – and in 2022 we launched Life After Prison; a the UK’s first podcast made by ex-prisoners, for ex-prisoners.
We inspire people through their sentences and help them prepare for life after release, via the world's first national radio station for people in prison, founded by us in 2009.
Read moreWe support people who have been released from prison, as well as the families, loved ones and wider support networks of those who are in prison, via our podcasts. Our two key titles are Life After Prison and Secret Life of Prisons.
Read moreWe identify and nurture talent within prisons, fostering creativity and providing opportunities for personal and professional development. Our traineeship programme offers paid opportunities to people who have worked with us during their sentence.
Read moreWe use our expertise and experience to support the development of radio projects around the world that work with people who are, or have been, in prison. Together, we are building a mutually-supporting global community.
We use our platform and our brand of creative, ethical storytelling to lead healthy discussion and debate around the state of the criminal justice system and how we, as a society, deal with people who cause harm, with a clear focus on potential solutions.
Read moreof people in prison listen to National Prison Radio
of National Prison Radio listeners tune in every single day
average number of hours listeners tune in every week
number of organisations featured on National Prison Radio over the past year
number of messages we’ve received from our listeners over the past year
of National Prison Radio listeners trust the information they hear
of listeners say the station helps them feel more motivated to make positive changes to their life
number of messages we received from loved ones of people in prison