Thu 11 Nov, 2017

Who are our Expert Citizens? Find out at Inside Prison Radio 2018.

Expert Citizens are the heart and soul of National Prison Radio. You can hear from some of our most talented Expert Citizens at Inside Prison Radio 2018, our annual Development Day, at the Southbank Centre in London on Thursday 18 January 2018.

EARLY BIRD tickets at a reduced rate are on sale now!

Every year, the global prison radio community comes together in London to share knowledge, stories and experiences at the Prison Radio Association’s Inside Prison Radio event.

It’s a must for anyone who’s interested in the power of prison radio to change lives.

This year we’ll be focusing on the voices who appear on National Prison Radio every day – those people with lived experience of prison. They may have served a sentence, they may have a son or daughter behind bars. Perhaps they work on the wings, or maybe they’ve been touched by crime and the justice system in some other way.

Radio is an exciting medium that creates the most intimate, personal connections between audience and presenters. This is why it’s such a powerful tool to use in prisons.

Find out why 72% of people in prison choose to listen to National Prison Radio, and tune in for an average 11.4 hours every week.

Share your own experiences with friends and colleagues, make new connections and help us push the limits of what radio can do.

Tickets at a reduced rate of £50 inc VAT each are available until Monday 11 December. They can be bought by credit or debit card. Place your order here.
Standard tickets will cost £75 inc VAT.

Inside Prison Radio 2018
Thursday 18 January 2018
Level 5 Function Room
Southbank Centre

Full link for booking tickets: